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Version: 4.xx.xx
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<AutoSaveIndicator />

<AutoSaveIndicator> component from Refine for Material UI can be used to communicate auto-save status to the user.

Good to know:

This component is an extended version of the <AutoSaveIndicator> component from Refine's core package. It provides a set of elements which align with Material UI's components and styling.


import { AutoSaveIndicator, useForm } from "@refinedev/mui";

const MyComponent = () => {
const {
refineCore: { autoSaveProps },
} = useForm({
refineCoreProps: {
autoSave: {
enabled: true,

status: "success", // "loading" | "error" | "idle" | "success"
error: null, // HttpError | null
data: { ... }, // UpdateResponse | undefined,

return <AutoSaveIndicator {...autoSaveProps} />;

API Reference​
